District Governor Adam’s Post – May 2018
Well, Spring has finally arrived and the landscapes are greener than ever. Hope you and yours take time out to enjoy the mild weather and beautiful scenery here in Tennessee. Thank you, Mother Nature!
Carol and I travelled to Murfreesboro to the 2018 Multi-District 12 Convention. We met with all five of our Districts where we shared the latest Lions news and conducted District 12-N’s last Cabinet Meeting of the fiscal year 2017-2018. Thank you to those Lions who also attended the meetings.
Recapping the District Cabinet Meeting: We made available for review and approval of the Secretary (Carol) Report and the Treasurer (Kathy) Report. We approved the Clinton/Norris Clubs’ joint grant proposal for a new inclusive playground in Clinton, TN. We discussed the remaining funds available to help Sevier County fire victims. It was agreed to transfer the remaining funds to the Sevier County Lions Club with stipulations for dispersal. Tri-County Lions Club President Connie Emmons agreed to call the Club and help with the transfer. Thank you Connie! We discussed recognition and awards and announced names of fifteen individuals who really helped with our goals this past year. Those individual Lions present received special boxes of truffles and a thank-you note from the District Governor. For those on the list but not present, we will forward your box of chocolates. We also announced the names of the three recipients of International President’s Certificates for outstanding service to the Associaion and to District 12-N. Those individuals are District Treasurer Lion Kathy Burrow (Farragut), District Convention Chair PDG Diane Wilkerson (Powell), and next-year Zone-Chair Lion Carolyn Broyles (Greeneville). Please congratulation these Lions and thank them for their contributions to East Tennessee.
District 12-N has been blessed. Just a few results are: 1) Tiny House sales/contributions to LCIF donations to date have exceeded $4,000. 2) Membership currently is in a positive position of five over July 01, 2017 numbers. 3) Female Lions membership percentage is at 35% versus 33% on July 01, 2017.
We saved a going-away recognition until last. Past International Director Bill and Nora Watkins are moving out of state to be near family but will be keeping their Tennessee membership at the Loudon Lions Club. District Treasurer Kathy was kind enough to procure meaningful gifts for Bill and Nora and she presented them during the Cabinet Meeting. We hope to have Bill and Nora as visitors even after they move. Thank you for your service!
In the MD-12 General Business Meeting, we elected Multi-District 12 Committee Coordinators with the exception of one position, the MD-12 Constitution and By-Laws Chair, which had no willing nominees. Since that time, the Council of Governors has elected PDG Leila Gibson of District 12-O to fill this position. Thank you, Chuck Bailey, for your past service in this valuable area of administration.
Again, thank you for your hard work and the hospitality shown to Carol and me throughout this Lions Year. District 12-N continues to be in good hands and moving forward. Please thank your fellow Lions for what they do. I have been very proud to serve as your Governor.
Adam Bowling
District Governor 12-N