District 12-N 2024-2025 Club President Training

While serving as a first vice president, you will complete training and prepare to lead your club as president.  As club president, you will implement the plan of your club leaders. You will help execute their plans for service, membership growth and communicating your club’s service to your community.

The Club President & First Vice President e-Book provides a quick reference guide for all the information you will need while serving in both of these top leadership positions.

A Club President/Vice President training session can be found on the Lion Portal under the Learn tab.

Club President/Club First Vice President e-Book

Other Resources:


  1. Serve as the chief executive officer of the club.
  2. Preside at all meetings (club and Board of Directors), and issue the call for regular and special meetings of the Board of Directors.
  3. Chair the club Global Action Team (GAT) and ensure the following:
      • Ensure the election of qualified Lion leaders for the positions of Club Service Chair, Club Membership Chair, and Club Vice President, who will serve as the Leadership Chair.
      • Regular meetings to discuss and advance the initiatives established by the Global Action Team
      • Collaborate with the District Global Action Team and other club Presidents to further initiatives focused on expanding humanitarian service, leadership development and membership growth.
  4. In collaboration with the club Officers and Committee Chairs, implement a plan for membership growth, community engagement, operational improvement and the fulfillment of humanitarian services as presented and approved by the club’s Board of Directors.
  5. Appoint Standing and Special Committees and cooperate with Chairs to effect regular functioning and reporting of such committees. Serve as an ex-officio member of all committees.
  6. See that regular elections are called, notices provided, and held. (see Standard Club Constitution and By-Laws for requirements)
  7. Ensure the club is operating in accordance with local laws.
  8. Ensure proper administration of club operations by ensuring that all club Officers and Members adhere to the club’s Constitution and By-Laws and the International Constitution and By-Laws.
  9. Encourage diplomacy and solve disputes in a fair and transparent fashion utilizing the Dispute Resolution Procedure if needed.
  10. Be an active member of the District Governor’s Advisory Committee of the Zone in which the club is located.
  11. Serve as a mentor to Vice Presidents to ensure the continuance of effective leadership.
  12. Represent your club at Zone Meetings, District Meetings/Convention, Multiple District Convention, and International Convention (as able)
  13. Serve as a member of the Lions Volunteer Blind Industries (LVBI) Board of Governors. The annual Board of Governors meeting is usually held in April. [District 12-N specific]

Best Practices

  1. Prepare in advance. Have a well thought-out agenda for each meeting, and provide copies to attendees.
      • Have Vice President(s) run Club or Board meetings periodically as preparation (even if/when President is able to attend).
  2. Have a small American flag with you for all meetings (as a backup).
  3. Understand Parliamentary Procedure; use Robert’s Rules of Order to efficiently conduct Club business.
  4. Match members’ interests, skills, and knowledge to Committee assignments.
  5. Assign Vice Presidents to work with Committees. They should oversee, assist, and mentor, but not take over.
      • Help Committee Chairs set goals and serve as a resource to them.
  6. Determine Committees based on Club projects and/or initiatives. Provide job descriptions for each Committee.
  7. Support all Club activities.
  8. Attend Zone and District Cabinet Meetings; report at Zone Meetings.
  9. Communicate regularly with your Board of Directors and the Club Membership.
  10. Recognize and reward the efforts of your Club members:
      • Individual Lion and Committee contributions
      • Lion of the Year and Lion of the Decade (Club nominees due at the end of February)
      • Virginia Lindsey Leadership Award
  11. Keep a President’s Binder:
    • Calendar of Events
    • Club Budget (Activity & Admin)
    • Meeting Agendas and Minutes
    • Club and District Directories
    • List of Officers and Committees
    • Club Goals
    • Member Induction Ceremony
    • Club Constitution & By-Laws
    • LCI Phone/Email Contacts