District Governor Frank’s Message – June 2024
Year Gone By
As I sit here and reflect. This fiscal year has gone by fast. It started off by being sworn in with my MD-12 District Governors at the Lions International Convention in Boston, Massachusetts. I knew after that all my planning and goalsetting had to be put into place to have a positive effect.
I wanted to make my own statement and not be like anybody else. I had everybody depending on me and my only goal was not to let anybody down. But what did we as a District accomplish?
One of our accomplishments was service. We needed to represent the core values that Lions represent. Clubs were given the opportunity to buy ribbons that represented diabetes awareness. These could be used at either fundraisers or service activities. For the environment, we had a partnership with Tennessee Environmental Council by having an opportunity to buy trees and plant them. Clubs were given the opportunity to purchase and pick up trees at certain locations. It was up to each club to plant the trees at their own locations which could be a park, development, or other municipality type places of interest. A new program allowing recognition awards for service. This was called “I Roar for Service.” It turned out to be a big hit. Members that have not been recognized before were being recognized.
LCIF started out with a new chairperson and new goals. With the two LCIF matching grants, a positive difference was made in the form of a play- ground and assisting the purchase of new equipment for the East Tennessee Eye Bank facility in Karns. Donations are up and headed in a forward direction.
Our District 12-N Convention was the highlight with PIP Doug Alexander as our guest speaker. Mardi Gras was the theme, and we were not disappointed. There were a substantial number of Lions that assisted in the planning and really did it justice, and everyone was complimentary.
In conclusion, I would like to thank District 12-N for allowing me to be your DG this year and I am glad I could represent my club in a long-lasting tradition that we call Lionism.
Yours in Lionism,
DG Frank McCall