District Governor Paulette’s Post – April 2022
HAPPY SPRING! I hope you are all enjoying the splendors of the season!
ALOHA – WOW What an awesome convention we had and thanks to all of you who were able to attend and make it that much more special! We were able to get important District business taken care of while having lots of fun as well! Friday night Elvis rocked the house and worked the room and Saturday night we had an amazing luau banquet and were entertained with a great “Crab Cakes and Murder” dinner show. Both nights the Lions were taught how to do the “Hukilau” hula – what a sight for sore eyes as most people got up and wiggled away! We hope you enjoy some of the fun photos shown in the Newsletter.
MAHALO/thanks go out to my beloved husband Convention Chair, Chuck Bailey; Norvell and Kathy Burrow (Farragut) for working registration and delegate certification among other tasks; Kim Osborne for providing Saturday lunch decorations and Lani Flores and Carie Gecelosky for helping set up each of the various meal table decorations; Karen and Tony Gross (Karns) and Karen Fontaine, Charlotte & Tom Miller (Maryville) for providing food and working the Hospitality Room; Jamie Holland (Maryville) for Photography; Connie Emmons for our Service Projects and East TN Lions Eye Bank for sponsoring the Luau with a full roasted pig! It takes an army to pull off something this big – Thank you all.
Yours in Lionism,
-DG Paulette Bailey