District Governor Frank’s Message – February 2024
Who Do You Choose?
I briefly touched base last month on elections. February is the month all clubs should turn in nominations for their upcoming officers. A nomination committee should do this. The nominating committee should take into consideration the best possible leader to fill that position.
They start by asking people in the club to be willing to serve each position. You do not just put somebody in a position, but make sure that they agree to serve. If a candidate does not understand the role, then explain the position in detail. These are our future leaders, so let us all make good on our recommendations to the club.
We all have a promising idea what our club officers should consist of. Let us make it simple. The club should have a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. This is based on the size of the club. It is better to have a governing body in place. A Board of Directors is there to help govern the every-day operations of the club and guide the members on a direct path that will be successful.
Another club officer to consider can be an LCIF chair. This officer will serve as a liaison between the club and the District LCIF chair, while at the same time promoting LCIF.
A Marketing chair can also be a big addition to the club when doing fundraisers, service projects or membership drives by letting the community know how their club serves their needs.
The Vision chair plays one of the most important parts of the organization by involving the community in the club’s non-stop efforts of supporting needs like free eye exams, glasses or even cataract surgery. This chair would be informing visually impaired or blind persons about Leader Dog for The Blind and how they offer assistance and training.
Our club is only good as the strength of the team. With the right leaders in place, we continue each year to serve our community and extend our own horizons. We accept the challenge to be the better Lions.
Yours in Lionism,
DG Frank McCall