District Governor Keltie’s Post – October 2024
Kindness is doing something that may go without a “Thank You” or an acknowledgment. When a person provides a sincere act of Kindness, there is no expectation of anything in return. Practicing kindness for kindness’ sake, not for personal gain, is an attribute known by humanitarians, like Lions Club Members.
Practicing acts of Kindness is very important for several reasons, including:
- Bringing people together.
- Gratitude and kindness go hand in hand. Letting someone know how much they are appreciated for their hard work will be appreciated.
- Kindness can be contagious and spread as people who receive acts of kindness are more likely to reciprocate an act of Kindness.
- It can help someone’s day be a better day, Research documents that kindness can improve
one’s physical well-being and reduce stress. - It can create a positive and supportive environment, Kindness does not cost anything and can be as simple as a smile!
Clubs were recently reminded of the Kindness Matters Service Award Nominations due in October. This gave me an opportunity to pause and reflect on the many acts of Kindness I have observed in our Clubs and our District as WE SERVE.
On my way home from a recent club visit, I stopped to buy a diet coke. The man in line behind me said “let me get that for you”. It was a pleasnt surprise and reminded me that an act of kindness and hospitality doesn’t have to be huge, even a small act can make a big difference.
When we choose to do something that helps others, it pays dividends both ways. What will you do to show an act of Kindness and Hospitality? As you continue with service projects, please submit your service hours monthly.
Thank you for your continued SERVICE.
Serving with you – DG Keltie